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Characters, etc.

Arthur Totally
A guy with a cold

First Show Appearance: Totally Illin'
Other Show Appearances: Totally Illin' P.M.
Played by: Douglas O'Neil, Jr., Mike Cunliffe
Notes: The title character in Totally Illin', Arthur was played by Douglas on April 10, 2009, and by Mike on April 11, 2009. In the followup show, Totally Illin' P.M., Douglas and Mike shared the character again on March 25 and 26, 2011.

Arthur Totally is an ordinary, everyday man who happened to get a cold one day. When he called in sick to work, he opened a bottle of Nick's TranQuil™ cough syrup and began watching television. The more he medicated, the stranger things got. By the end of the day, Arthur was ready to go back to work - anything to keep him from experiencing another day like that.